Friday, February 18, 2011

all things murphy's & o'mally's law

it always seems like life is about two steps forward and two steps back. like a sort of irish jig that isn't fun or entertaining in the least. so wouldn't you know it that on the day of delivery to a very happy customer (who i just adore) placed the biggest order on record, i have a customer complain and ask for a refund, the first refund on record. after which I find out has downloaded and taken the files already (what the return is for). well you can't please everyone and lesson learned there as clearly you can't trust everyone either. but it got slightly better as the lovely ups man delivered my pants to me today and they all fit! that has never happened before when all the items fit. i was starting to think, sitting there holding my package - how many of these am i going to have to return - still staring at the monitor in horror of being ripped off. you see, i have to order online as the stores only seem to stock one type: flood pants. so here i am dancing my jig that is seemingly slightly annoying to me. the worst part is, i love to dance ;)

so i wonder why that rule happens. murphy's law. it can happen in a somewhat snowball effect too at times. you know what i am talking about. something happens, then something else happens, then another and another and soon enough you are going - how in the hell did that happen? or i feel like i'm taking crazy pills. either way, murphy's law is quite the quandary.

so i wonder if there is an alter ego of this murphy's law. is there something that creates a chain effect of goodness, or pure joy? sure there is the concept of pay it forward and general karmic beliefs; but i am talking about a chain reaction that seems to attach itself that is positive. does that exist? if it does, what it is called? so i have learned not to sweat the small stuff and look for that silver lining. literally, i keep looking and i am going to find it - if it kills me :)

have you ever noticed things tend to happen in 3s? so this murphy's law must have some kind of numerology attached to it with a corresponding number of 3. i can remember one example of murphy's law attacking me in 3s: my car broke down, my fridge died and my dog got sick all within one week. so not only does murphy like to have chain effects, but apparently it is fiscal in nature at times as well. fantastic. so this alter ego must have the same. maybe it is a numerology of 4s. perhaps even fiscally rewarding. wouldn't that be great. like you find a $20, get a free upgrade on accident when purchasing a new car, the person in front of you in line has a coupon they can't use but you can and a stranger quotes you as being the nicest and most giving person they know in a published article. come on a girl can dream :)

so murphy, it seems we are destined to run into each other throughout my entire life. welcome to the dysfunctional family and try not to make eye contact with the crazy cousin. :) i sure would like to be related to the other law, which i will call o'mally's law. so from now on i wish that everyone has o'mally's law every week. being the nerd that i am, murphy's law is actually an adage that states, "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong" and apparently has been traced back to the early 1900s and had many other names and faces before murphy. so, i would like to go on record as saying o'mally's law is an adage that states, "anything that can go right, will go right and then some". I just might make a page on wikipedia establishing it's roots. :)

so in keeping with a content of visual stimulation in line with an alter ego. here is a mini new look at a collection of things i love. maybe it is just that i am sick of winter....and thinking of sandy beaches and the things i have found over the years on random walks...or maybe i just needed a visual break from the norm and want to share something simplistic. i really do love the crispness of white things found in nature or mostly white things. i really do love the organic shape of things found in nature. most of my work is chalk full of color and life; this is a little cleaner, crisper and softer color palate of subjects.

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