Friday, February 11, 2011

all things plump

winter is creating all things that are plump. literally. so yesterday morning i get up and attempt to get dressed and blow out the crotch of my pants. not just any pants, but my all time favorite cords, that i wear just about every day. the rip? well it was not a dainty little - oops i'll just sew that right up and no one will notice. it was like the hulk had turned green and shredded my clothing. happy winter everyone. 

the best part about it is, corey was standing there telling me about one of his projects with great serious detail....when the sound of ripping material drowned us both out. he literally turned around and walked out of the room, mid-sentence. later i found out he thought one of two things: meltdown or laughter. as he wasn't sure which one it was going to be, he left. i was laughing so hard after i ripped my pants and then again later when he was telling me this - i laughed so hard i cried. so there you have it. all things plump. 

so my girlfriends and i have been texting all week about how sweat pants are the greatest invention in winter. of course we are all telling each other how fat we feel, like our legs are expanding or combining into one giant mass blob...with the occasional support for working out or anything that might resemble a work out. as i vacuumed this week and worked up a sweat and was proud of my 'excercise'. yes, i was video taped in sweats dancing while vacuuming. (denise i bet you would dance next to that) :). so once again the bond of girlfriends is tied through the mutual feeling of all things plump. gotta love it.

naturally, as i had to go grocery shopping later, i loaded us up with super healthy foods. no more pasta and stews for us. at least not for a couple of weeks :) i do love food too much to give up anything fantastically delicious. so i am wandering around the store collecting my healthy items of things for fresh salads, all kinds of fish, chicken, and what is probably an unnatural amount of fruits and veggies. meaning my body better respond to the drastic change of what i am consuming. 

i mean when did it happen exactly? i can't really remember. maybe it just snuck up on me. whatever caused it, my metabolism just seems to have come to a screeching hault. yes, i was the - eat anything i want kind of person and never gain weight. it might have something to do with the fact that i lost a bunch of weight this time last year (the stressful kind not the healthy kind) and was super skinny and have just gained it back. in my defense (or that is what i tell myself) those pants were my skinny small sized pants (a 4 and now i am back up to my plump 8 it appears). then again it might just be the time that i am on a perpetual diet to "watch my figure". ugh just saying those words makes me cringe. 

well it is a good thing i like food and know my way around the kitchen. so back to the shopping. i thought london broil. have always wanted to make it and never have. so there you have it, my night's meal is born. well almost. i have the meat and need the rest. so i get home and stuff the fridge so full of my fresh stuff and start thinking about the rest of the meal. i flip through my kitchen bible cookbook (that's the name, literally - 1,000 receipes) and find a receipe for eggplant confit. well i bascially adapted that and made yellow squash with eggplant basil confit. the eggplant literally melted in my mouth - so good. 

I had always heard of confit but had no idea what it was. it is pure goodness let me tell you. you put some EVOO (as RR would say) and peel 4 cloves of garlic letting them liquify in the pan - then add veggies to cooked and season. so simple. and so good. the veggies absorb the flavor perfectly. i just might make all my veggies confit from now on. :)

the weirdest thing is that salad, fresh salad always make my mouth water. just thinking about a big plate of mixed greens...and it's happening again. but the problem i find is the bagged greens from the store don't really seem to last that long and i only end up eating half. the ones with spinach greens literally seem to last a day or two before spoiling. so i made my own. the last piece of the meal puzzle.

the goal is to keep exploring cooking and do it as close to everyday as possible. so i just hope i keep the interest and schedule that allows for good cooking or at least good accessible foods. i grew up with a microwave cooker and i don't want to be that way. making it important to have a good meal together everyday is important to me. but on long busy days it is hard to go from working to the kitchen and start working. i understand why so many women rely on microwaves in stead of ovens. well not me. it's old school i know, but worth it. 

i find that the way you view something can literally shape the experience. if you dread something, it is dreadful. if you look forward to enjoying something, you enjoy it. well at least something that you can control and at the end of the day - sometimes the only thing i can control is what is cooking in my oven or stovetop. the rest i have to just go with the flow. i read the alchemist not too long ago. a really light and simple read; well easy actually. but it is more philosophical. meaning you get the meaning if you think about it. this man travels the world in search of an element and learns all the things a master alchemist needs to learn. but his journey would not have been so great if he never left; even though his element was in one place only. his home town. so it is always the journey and the experience. 

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