Thursday, February 24, 2011

all things (artist's) eye of the beholder

so it seems that life can be pretty full of challenges. that goes without saying for most i would imagine. what i like to think about is the artist's eye and what it beholds. there is a method to the madness, there is a master plan or design in mind. if you trust in the process enough, it will happen. i am of course speaking from the artist's perspective. to give yourself over to your expression, whatever it may be, and become completely lost in it. it might not always be understood. or appreciated. if anything history has taught us that artist's can be a little quirky or eccentric. but there is another side to that. there is the full minded artist. there is the artist's eye in us all, we just have to be paying attention to catch it.

naturally, there are some with more heightened skills and ability. but there is an artist in us all. each person has a unique ability to truly be an artist. so what do you do when you are told your methods aren't right? that you are crazy for what you are trying and attempting to do? what do you do when you are challenged, when your artist is challenged? i can't help but think back to what started it all for me. drawing. painting. pastels. these were the main mediums i started with. i used to carry a sketch book with me every where i went and i was always drawing. charcoal is my favorite (of the hand design mediums).

so when someone challenges me i usually respond in one of two ways: one being an internal response of: just watch and learn. the other being an external response of: you better know the background of the person you are challenging or you will look pretty foolish. such is life through the artist's eye and being the beholder. the main point is, showing your artist side is a good thing. just have confidence in what you are doing, no one can ever rattle that. so get out there and show off your inner artist. if you don't know what it is, i suggest paying attention so you can catch it.

so back to the challenging aspect. i remembering reading once that if you are in your comfort zone all the time, you are not growing. something to that effect. so that stretching yourself through challenges is a good thing. it can be in any manner. recently i have made the decision to have a home office/home studio. finally i have the space to accomodate both. i really have to give credit to corey for letting me go so to speak. we did share an office and now i have my own office. i am truly thankful to him. even though he will miss me.

so the challenge of getting some hater email from a local photographer comes on the same day i have an expansion of sorts. it is not the first and i am sure it won't be the last. i just have to think if my competitors are so worried about what i am doing, how much are they focusing on their own businesses? busy bodies are not only annoying, they are not always successful in their own right as they get in their own way.

life is always a challenge. so i just want to say to anyone who wants to chase a dream, or try something new. go for it. don't listen to the people who want to drag you down. believe me when i say they are already on a sinking ship. listen to the people who inspire and motivate you. you won't always be liked, understood, appreciated or even valued. do it for yourself and your own sense of achievement by your own standards. so pay attention and catch your inner artist, you hold your artist's eye.

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